Woodville Demographic Data

The population in this area is estimated to be 1,119 people.

  • 93.3% are African American and 5.2% are White;

  • For the current year 28.4% of the population is estimated to be employed and aged 16 and over;

  • 4.6% of the residents are unemployed and 51.8% are not in the labor force;

  • The average household income is estimated to be $35,114;

  • The estimated educational attainment of the 2007 population age 25 and up are: Less than 9th grade - 17.81%; High School Graduate or GED - 30.99%; Some College, no degree - 16.78%; High School, no diploma - 23.29%;

  • The estimated 2007 household incomes are: Less than $l5,000 (39.29%); $15,000-$24,999 (19.13%); $25,000-$34,999 (13.27%); $35,000-$49,999 (5.87%); $50,000-$74,999 (9.69%);

  • The estimated 2007 income at or above poverty level: Married with children - 9.57%; Married with no children - 17.38%; Male head with children - 4.61%; Male head no children - 2.84%; Female head with children - 34.04%; Female head no children - 0%